Booking rapid hypnotherapy online
IMPORTANT! When comparing prices - you get results quickly, so you will require fewer sessions - maybe just one! This means it cost you LESS! Follow these steps...
Give us a ring on 07919 056142 or message us using the form at the foot of this page. We will then arrange a mutually convenient time for your FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION to further discuss your enquiry and test the connection.
During this call, we will assess the best way of working with you and if we think that online therapy is not appropriate we will recommend an alternative approach. A simple client agreement form will be emailed to you and only when you are happy will we ask you to make online secure payment, following which you will be sent the meeting link for your first session.
Sessions normally cost £85 each and are typically about one hour long, although the first session may be somewhat longer at no extra cost
A block of three pre-paid sessions costs £240
Undergraduate Students & Under 18's £65 per session
Couples therapy costs £125 per session
Feminisation hypnosis sessions cost £65 each
Quit Smoking sessions last about two hours and the cost is £150. Free booster if needed within first 30 days!
Three-session gastric band package costs £285
Fear of Flying complete course costs £240 although you may only need a single session so please ask!