Phobias & Irrational Fears
Hypnotherapy Tackles Fear & Phobia Fast!

What are Phobia?
A phobia is an extreme form of anxiety that is triggered by a particular situation or object. This irrational fear is out of all proportion to the situation, and the usual response is to reduce the anxiety by avoiding the thing or situation. Some phobias may be exaggerated responses to situations that evolution has conditioned us to avoid, such as poisonous snakes and insects, or heights. Other phobias may arise from non-threatening situations being associated in the subconscious mind with some traumatic experience, which may be completely unrelated to the original event! Even thinking of the situation may cause ‘anticipatory anxiety’ and an attempt to avoid it if at all possible.
Specific & Complex Phobias
Specific (or simple) phobias include: animals (particularly insects, spiders, snakes, birds or dogs), needles / vaccinations and sharp objects, blood, heights and flying (for details of our special fear of flying course, click here).
Complex phobias include agoraphobia and social phobia. Agoraphobia may exhibit in a number of ways: a fear of leaving home, crowded places, travelling on public transport or being trapped in a lift. Agoraphobia may cause the sufferer to have panic attacks and is often associated with depression. Social phobias may be associated with agoraphobia and involve a fear of social interaction. This could involve a fear of public speaking, social dining or simply talking to other people.

Online Phobia Treatment
Many specific phobias can be solved relatively quickly and easily using desensitisation techniques as they usually have a cause in the past which can be accessed and resolved. Sometimes, the specific phobia may need only two sessions, even if it is very strong and there are panic attacks. Complex phobias may require a combination of CBT and hypnosis techniques and will often involve a 'graded exposure' to the problem situation, as well as desensitisation work. We will be able to take a view about the likely approaches following your initial consultation.